JerylFypManager is a desktop application catered to professors and final year project (FYP) students to manage and track the progress of students’ FYP projects, as well as serving as a platform for professors to provide feedback on their students’ progress. The application’s simple design provides a nifty platform to navigate through and present the FYP projects in a concise manner.

1. Introduction

1.1. About the User Guide

The purpose of this guide is to explain to you how to use FypManager and to allow you to have an enjoyable experience. It explains the features and commands compatible with FypManager. It is also structured in a way to let you easily navigate to relevant sections.

1.2. Navigating the User Guide

For help with installing and understanding FypManager’s GUI, you can head over to our Quick start section.

For the full documentation of each feature, you can refer to our Features section.

For a list of frequently asked questions about FypManager, you can refer to our FAQ section.

If you are an advanced user, you can refer to our Command summary section.

2. Quick start

2.1. Installation

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed on your Computer. Otherwise, you may follow this guide to install Java 11.

  2. Download the latest JerylFypManager.jar from here.

  3. Copy the file to the desired folder you want to use as the home folder for your FypManager.

  4. Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI, similar to the one shown below, should appear in a few seconds. Note how the app contains some sample data (not the same as the image below).


  5. Do refer to GUI Overview to understand what each component in the GUI does.

  6. Do refer to Tutorial to test a few sample commands.

2.2. GUI Overview

The various GUI components of FypManager are described in the picture below:


  • Menu bar: Menu buttons that you can click to exit FypManager or to open up the help window that contains a link to this user guide.
  • Not completed list: Sometimes also called uncompleted list. You can view the list of students who have yet to complete their FYP, possibly along with their deadlines.
  • Completed list: You can view the list of students who have completed their FYP.
  • Command box: You can type and enter commands to run in this box.
  • Result box: You can view the results from running your commands in this box.

2.3. Tutorial

Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it.
Some example commands that you can try:

  • list - lists all FYP projects the professor is supervising.

  • add -s i/A0123456G n/John Doe p/Automation of Selenium e/ - adds the FYP project of the student named John Doe with student ID A0123456G, email, and project titled Automation of Selenium.

  • delete -s i/A0123456G - deletes the FYP project of the student with student ID A0123456G.

  • mark i/A0123456G s/IP - marks the FYP project of the student with student ID A0123456G as In Progress.

  • find machine - searches any FYP project names that has “machine” in its name, for example it will include the FYP project named “Machine Learning”.

  • help add -s - shows a message on how to use the add -s command.

  • help - shows the list of all commands available.

  • exit - exits the application.

Refer to the Features section for details of each command.

3. Features

:information_source: Notes about the command format:

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user.
    e.g. in add -s n/FYP_NAME, FYP_NAME is a parameter which can be used as add -s n/Neural Network.

  • Having multiple parameters when exactly one is required will result in the latest parameter being read.
    e.g. add -s i/A0123456J i/A6543210J n/Russell Dash will be read as add -s i/A6543210J n/Russell Dash as the student ID parameter appears twice.

  • Adding or editing duplicate student tags will result in only the set of distinct tags being added or edited into the student.
    e.g. edit A0123456J t/SOC t/ML t/SOC will result in the student with student ID A0123456J to have two tags, SOC and ML.

  • Items in square brackets are optional.
    e.g. n/FYP_NAME [t/TAG] can be used as n/Neural Network t/SOC or as n/Data Caching.

  • Items with ​ after them can be used multiple times including zero times.
    e.g. [t/TAG]…​ can be used as   (i.e. 0 times), t/SOC, t/SOC t/ML etc.

  • Parameters can be in any order.
    e.g. if the command specifies n/FYP_NAME t/TAG, t/TAG n/FYP_NAME is also acceptable.

  • Extraneous parameters for commands that do not take in parameters (such as list and exit) will be ignored.
    e.g. if the command specifies list 456, it will be interpreted as list.

  • Invalid parameters for help command will be ignored.
    e.g. if the command specifies help 123, it will be interpreted as help.
    e.g. if the command specifies help sort -p 456, it will be interpreted as `help sort -p’.

  • If the flag is not specified for a help certainCommand command, where certainCommand is a valid command word, the default help message for certainCommand will be shown.
    e.g. if the command specifies help sort, it will be interpreted as help sort -p.

  • STUDENT_ID should be in the following format: “A” + (7 digits) + (1 uppercase letter).
    e.g. A0123456G.

  • STUDENT_NAME Student names should only contain alphabetic characters, spaces and some supported characters given below, and it should not be blank:
    / \ ( ) [ ] { } . -
    Cannot start with a non-alphabetic character.
    Leading and trailing spaces will be trimmed.

  • FYP_NAME should only include alphanumeric characters and spaces but cannot start with a space.
  • and DEADLINE_NAME should only include alphanumeric characters and spaces but cannot start with a space.
    e.g.  Support vector machine: some improvements is invalid

  • DEADLINE_DATETIME can be in the format of “DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm” or “YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm”.
    e.g. 05-11-2022 08:00, 2022-11-05 08:00.

  • For deadline tasks, a priority rank DEADLINE_RANK specifies the importance of said task.
    e.g. delete -d i/A0123456X r/2 would delete the 2nd highest priority deadline for the student with student ID of A0123456X.

3.1. General Features

3.1.1. Viewing help: help

Shows a list of valid commands or a help page on a particular command.

Format: help [COMMAND]


  • help add -s - This shows a detailed help message on the add -s command.

    help add -s

  • help - This shows an open window revealing the URL to the user guide which could be copied to the user’s clipboard.

    help add

3.1.2. List of FYPs: list

Shows a list of final year projects with the student IDs.

Format: list


3.1.3. Sorting the FYP list: sort

Shows the sorted list of final year projects based on a specific field.

The two fields that the user can sort by are:

  1. ProjectName
  2. ProjectStatus

Format for each variant of sort:

  1. ProjectName: sort [-p]

    From the uncompleted list, we can see that the project names are sorted (ignoring cases).

    sort -p

  2. ProjectStatus: sort -s

    We can see that those who are yet to start are gathered on top of the uncompleted list.

    sort -s

:information_source: NOTE
A sort command without the flag specified explicitly will be interpreted as sort -p by default.

3.1.4. Clearing the FYP list: clear

Clears the FYP list.

Format: clear

3.1.5. Exiting the application: exit

Exits the program.

Format: exit

3.2. Student Features

3.2.1. Adding students FYP: add -s

Adds a new FYP of a student to the FYP manager. The same student ID should not exist in the FYP manager previously.

:information_source: NOTE
An add command without the -s flag specified explicitly will be interpreted as add -s by default.

Format: add [-s] i/STUDENT_ID n/STUDENT_NAME p/FYP_NAME e/EMAIL [t/TAG]…​

:bulb: Tip: A student can have any number of tags! (including 0)


  • add -s i/A0123456G n/Jane Doe p/Neural Network e/ t/NN t/Difficult

    Adding a student

  • add -s i/A0987654X n/Alex Yeoh p/Data Caching e/
  • add i/A0987654X n/Alex Yeoh p/Data Caching e/

3.2.2. Removing students FYP: delete -s

Removes a FYP from the FYP manager. The specified student ID must exist in the FYP manager previously.

:information_source: NOTE
A delete command without the -s flag specified explicitly will be interpreted as delete -s by default.

Format: delete [-s] i/STUDENT_ID


  • delete -s i/A0987654X
  • delete i/A0987654X

Suppose we have Alex Yeoh as a new student in the list with the details given in the image below.

Before deleting student

Running either of the example delete student command above will result in this state.

After deleting student

3.2.3. Marking project status: mark

Marks a FYP as Done/In Progress/Yet to Start, etc.

Format: mark i/STUDENT_ID s/STATUS

  • Current supported statuses are as follows:
    • DONE - Done
    • IP - In Progress
    • YTS - Yet To Start
  • Parsing of status is case-sensitive:
    • DONE instead of Done, done, etc.


  • mark i/A0123456G s/DONE
  • mark i/A0234567H s/YTS
  • mark i/A0210283B s/IP

    Suppose initially we have Charlotte Oliveiro as one of the students who have completed the project. Suppose there are new things for Charlotte to do, which requires us to change the project status from DONE to IP. Running the last example of mark command will result in the state below.

    Marking a student

3.2.4. Searching keyword: find

Finds projects whose field (as specified by user) contains any of the given keyword(s). The four fields that the user can search by are:

  1. ProjectName
  2. StudentId
  3. StudentName
  4. Tags (accorded to a student)

Format for each variant of find:

  1. ProjectName: find [-p] KEYWORD/[KEYWORD2/KEYWORD3/…]

    Example: find -p neu/gen finds all project names that contain at least one of the keywords, neu or gen.

    find -p

  2. StudentId: find -i KEYWORD/[KEYWORD2/KEYWORD3/…]

    Example: find -i A01 finds all students with student ID containing A01.

    find -i

  3. StudentName: find -n KEYWORD/[KEYWORD2/KEYWORD3/…]

    Example: find -n Alex/Vivi/roy finds all students with name that contains either Alex, Vivi, or roy.

    find -n

  4. Tags: find -t KEYWORD/[KEYWORD2/KEYWORD3/…]

    Example: find -t colleague/fri/fam finds all students with a tag that contains either colleague, fri, or fam.

    find -t

:information_source: NOTE
A find command without the flag specified explicitly will be interpreted as find -p by default.

  • the / in the above examples shows multiple input parameters.
    e.g. find -i A0123456X/A0123456G will search for all students with either student ID of A0123456X or A0123456G.
  • Only the four specified fields above could be searched, and only one field can be searched at any one time.
  • The keyword is case-insensitive, e.g. Neural NetWORK will match neural network.
  • The keyword could contain spaces, e.g. practical guide of machine learning is allowed.
  • Partial keywords will also be matched, e.g. Ne will match neural network and Genetic Algorithm.
  • Leading and trailing spaces are ignored, e.g.  neural network   will match neural network.
  • Projects matching at least one keyword will be returned (i.e. OR search), e.g. find -t neural network/tree will match project tags containing neural network or decision tree.


  • A neat alternative to list: find -i a or find -i /a will function the same way as list and returns a list of all students, as student ID always begins with letter ‘A’ and the keyword supplied is case-insensitive.

3.2.5. Edit student details: edit

Edits student details according to the input.

Format: edit STUDENT_ID [n/STUDENT_NAME] [p/FYP_NAME] [e/EMAIL] [t/TAG]…​

  • At least one of the optional fields must be present.


  • edit A0210283B n/Not Charlotte sets the name of the student with student ID A0210283B into Not Charlotte.


    Before editing student


    After editing student

  • edit A0123456G p/Food Genetics sets the project name of the student with student ID A0123456G into Food Genetics.

  • edit A0234567H n/John Hoe p/Food Genetics sets the name of the student with student ID A0123456G into John Hoe and at the same time sets the project name into Food Genetics.

3.3. Deadline Features

3.3.1. Adding a deadline to a student’s FYP: add -d

Adds a new deadline to a student specified by the student ID. The deadline name should not exist in this student previously.



  • add -d i/A0272758C n/Buy Prof some coffee d/06-11-2022 13:30


    Before adding a deadline


    After adding a deadline

3.3.2. Removing a student’s deadline: delete -d

Removes a deadline assigned to a student specified by ID & a priority rank (for example, below highlighted task has a priority rank of 2).


The specified deadline must exist in the student’s deadline list previously.

Format: delete -d i/STUDENT_ID r/DEADLINE_RANK


  • delete -d i/A0123456G r/1 will delete the first deadline of the student with student ID A0123456G.

4. FAQ

Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous FypManager home folder.

Q: What happens if I modify the data file?
A: Although extremely discouraged, the application will start with an empty data.

5. Command summary

5.1. General Commands

Action Format, Examples
Help help [COMMAND]
e.g., help add -s, help
List list
Sort by Project Name sort [-p]
Sort by Project Status sort -s
Clear clear
Exit exit

5.2. Student Commands

Action Format, Examples
Add Student add [-s] i/STUDENT_ID n/STUDENT_NAME p/FYP_NAME e/EMAIL [t/TAG]…​
e.g., add -s i/A0987654X n/John Doe p/Data Caching e/
Delete Student delete [-s] id
e.g., delete -s i/A0987654X, delete i/A0987654X
e.g.,mark i/A0123456G s/IP
Find by Project Name find [-p] KEYWORD/[KEYWORD2/KEYWORD3/…]
e.g., find -p data / software, find data / software
Find by Student ID find -i KEYWORD/[KEYWORD2/KEYWORD3/…]
e.g., find -i 515W/123X/A09281
Find by Student Name find -n KEYWORD/[KEYWORD2/KEYWORD3/…]
e.g., find -n John
Find by Tags find -t KEYWORD/[KEYWORD2/KEYWORD3/…]
e.g., find -t Handsome/Look
e.g., edit A0234567H n/John Hoe

5.3. Deadline Commands

Action Format, Examples
e.g., add -d i/A0123456G n/Random Task d/23-10-2022 23:59
Delete Deadline delete -d i/STUDENT_ID r/DEADLINE_RANK
e.g., delete -d i/A0123456G r/1

6. Glossary

Term Explanation
Java A programming language which was used to built FypManager.
Command-line Interface (CLI) An interface which involves the users typing text and executing it as commands.
Graphical User Interface (GUI) An interface which involves the users clicking buttons and selecting options from the menu bar.
Final Year Project (FYP) A project taken by students in their final year of study.
School of Computing (SoC) One of the faculties inside the National University of Singapore.
JerylFypManager A platform used by SoC Professors for supervising student’s FYP.
Professor An academic staff of SoC who is supervising a student’s FYP.
Student A SoC student who is taking FYP in their final year of study.